The result of a two-part assignment where we were tasked to create game concepts and eventually game design documents based on combining from a set of given keywords.
Result number one is a stealth game where the player takes
on the role of a fox that has to sneak to her burrow without alarming the hunter who prowls around in the forest.

The result of a two-part assignment where we were tasked to create game concepts and eventually game design documents based on combining from a set of given keywords.
Result number two is a stealth game aimed at younger
audiences where an octopus plays hide and seek with a crab and has to try out different camouflages to sneak around undetected.
The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
Analysis of an indie puzzle-platformer that has a very unique way of blending story and gameplay together. The price of progressing is to hurt yourself again and again but to hold on
nevertheless until main character J.J. can find her girlfriend Emily who went missing under mysterious circumstances.
An assignment where we had to re-design the UI of a pre-existing game. I decided on the action-adventure game Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver which is not only a classic of my childhood but has an interesting (although not necessarily
efficient) approach to UI. The following document analyzes what I perceive as the UI’s flaws and offers a suggestion of how to fix it in the form of a diegetic approach.

A rough game concept where we had to develop a game based on a known story but base the entire concept on the perspective of non-main-characters. Since I thought turning biblical stories around and telling everything from the
perspective of the donkeys would be a lot of fun, this mixture of multiplayer kart racing game and capture-the-flag (or rather Jesus) turned out to be the result.